Welcome to ABUTH IMAN VENTURE Building Prosperity Together
ABUTH IMAN VENTURE | Islamic Coperative That Combine Sincerity And Transparency  With BusinessABUTH IMAN VENTURE | Islamic Coperative That Combine Sincerity And Transparency  With BusinessABUTH IMAN VENTURE | Islamic Coperative That Combine Sincerity And Transparency  With Business
ABUTH Central Mosque, Shika, Zaria, Kaduna.
ABUTH IMAN VENTURE | Islamic Coperative That Combine Sincerity And Transparency  With BusinessABUTH IMAN VENTURE | Islamic Coperative That Combine Sincerity And Transparency  With BusinessABUTH IMAN VENTURE | Islamic Coperative That Combine Sincerity And Transparency  With Business



ABUTH IMAN Venture Cooperative Society Limited (ICOV)

We provide a wide range of Sharia-compliant services designed to support the financial, social, and economic growth of our members. Our offerings are rooted in Islamic principles, ensuring that every member benefits from ethical and equitable solutions tailored to their needs.


Our Services at a Glance

Why Choose Our Services?

  • Sharia-Compliant Solutions: All services adhere strictly to Islamic principles.
  • Member-Centric Approach: Designed to meet the unique needs of our members.
  • Transparency and Trust: Ensuring fair and equitable dealings in every service.
  • Community Impact: Strengthening the social and economic fabric of our community.

Get Started Today

Experience the benefits of ethical financial solutions and community-driven services. Join ABUTH IMAN Venture Cooperative Society Limited (ICOV) and take advantage of our diverse range of offerings tailored to uplift and empower our members.

Contact us or visit our office at the ABUTH Central Mosque, Shika, Zaria, Kaduna, for more information.

Contact us

Need More Enquiries?

Our team is here to answer your questions and guide you. Contact us at +2349160072271,  fill out the contact form, or visit us at our office today.

Get in touch

    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)