Welcome to ABUTH IMAN VENTURE Building Prosperity Together
ABUTH IMAN VENTURE | Islamic Coperative That Combine Sincerity And Transparency  With BusinessABUTH IMAN VENTURE | Islamic Coperative That Combine Sincerity And Transparency  With BusinessABUTH IMAN VENTURE | Islamic Coperative That Combine Sincerity And Transparency  With Business
ABUTH Central Mosque, Shika, Zaria, Kaduna.
ABUTH IMAN VENTURE | Islamic Coperative That Combine Sincerity And Transparency  With BusinessABUTH IMAN VENTURE | Islamic Coperative That Combine Sincerity And Transparency  With BusinessABUTH IMAN VENTURE | Islamic Coperative That Combine Sincerity And Transparency  With Business

Loan Services

Welfare Loans Services

The Welfare Loans Services provide financial support to members under favorable terms. The following are the key features and guidelines:

  1. Interest-Free Loans:
    Welfare loans are offered at no interest rate, significantly benefiting many members of the teaching hospital.
  2. Eligibility:
    • Loans are exclusively available to Monthly Saving Scheme (MSS)
    • Applicants must meet qualification criteria, and loans are disbursed based on availability of fundsand on a first-come, first-served basis.
  3. Membership Duration Requirement:
    A member becomes eligible to apply for a loan only after completing at least six (6) months of membership.
  4. Loan Application and Disbursement:
    • Welfare loans are disbursed three times a year: in April, August, and December.
    • Applications can, however, be submitted year-round.
    • Emergency soft loansmay be granted at any time, subject to the approval of the Loans and Credit Committee and the President, provided funds are available.
  5. Repayment Terms:
    • Loan repayments are deducted directly from the member’s source of income.
    • Repayment commences the month following the loan grant, unless otherwise approved.
  6. Employment Status Verification:
    Applicants must provide evidence confirming that they will not leave the service of Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital (ABUTH)due to retirement, completion of a residency program, or any other reason during the loan repayment period.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)