Welcome to ABUTH IMAN VENTURE Building Prosperity Together
ABUTH IMAN VENTURE | Islamic Coperative That Combine Sincerity And Transparency  With BusinessABUTH IMAN VENTURE | Islamic Coperative That Combine Sincerity And Transparency  With BusinessABUTH IMAN VENTURE | Islamic Coperative That Combine Sincerity And Transparency  With Business
ABUTH Central Mosque, Shika, Zaria, Kaduna.
ABUTH IMAN VENTURE | Islamic Coperative That Combine Sincerity And Transparency  With BusinessABUTH IMAN VENTURE | Islamic Coperative That Combine Sincerity And Transparency  With BusinessABUTH IMAN VENTURE | Islamic Coperative That Combine Sincerity And Transparency  With Business

Ummah Shop


The Ummah Business Center, an endeavor of ABUTH IMAN Cooperative Society Limited, was inaugurated on April 1, 2021. It operates as a convenience store, offering a range of essential items including groceries, beverages, oils, toiletries, soft drinks, and more. Additionally, it provides services such as mobile recharge card sales and financial transactions through Point of Sale (POS) machines, facilitating cash deposits and withdrawals for its valued customers. Despite the typical challenges faced by new businesses, the center has shown consistent progress. Currently, it is in the midst of an expansion initiative aimed at fulfilling even more of its customers’ diverse needs.

Discover Our Wide Range of Services:

🛒 Provisions: We’ve Got Your Essentials!

  • 🍚Sugar
  • 🥛Milk (powdered and liquid)
  • ☕Milo, Bournvita, Ovaltine, Lipton, and more
  • 🍶Vegetable oil
  • 🍲Maggi (different varieties), salt, spices
  • 🚿Bathing and washing soaps, detergents
  • 🦷Toothpaste and toothbrushes
  • 🍼Formula milk e.g., NAN 1 and 2
  • 🍚Cerelac, Golden Morn, Custard Powder
  • 🥤Soft drinks
  • 🌽Cornflakes
  • 🍪Biscuits and chocolates
  • 💧Bottled water, and much more!

💳 Point of Sale (POS) Machine Services:

  • 💸Cash withdrawals
  • 💰Cash deposits
  • 🔄Cash transfers
  • 💡Bill payments, and more!

📶 Recharge Cards for All Networks:

  • 📱MTN
  • 📞Airtel
  • 🌐Glo
  • 📶9mobile

Why Choose Us?

  • Competitive market prices
  • Quality products and services
  • Friendly and efficient customer support

Place Your Order:

  • Visit us at ICOV Ummah Business Center
  • Or call us to place an order for any of the products listed above and so much more.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)