Welcome to ABUTH IMAN VENTURE Building Prosperity Together
ABUTH IMAN VENTURE | Islamic Coperative That Combine Sincerity And Transparency  With BusinessABUTH IMAN VENTURE | Islamic Coperative That Combine Sincerity And Transparency  With BusinessABUTH IMAN VENTURE | Islamic Coperative That Combine Sincerity And Transparency  With Business
ABUTH Central Mosque, Shika, Zaria, Kaduna.
ABUTH IMAN VENTURE | Islamic Coperative That Combine Sincerity And Transparency  With BusinessABUTH IMAN VENTURE | Islamic Coperative That Combine Sincerity And Transparency  With BusinessABUTH IMAN VENTURE | Islamic Coperative That Combine Sincerity And Transparency  With Business

Periodic Commodities


ABUTH IMAN VENTURE (ICOV) executes biannual distribution cycles of essential commodities, including rice, vegetable oil, pastas, and lots more catering to both members and non-members. Additionally, ICOV annually conducts transactions involving the sale of rams, cow meat, and poultry, coinciding with Islamic festive periods since 2016. The payment mechanism for these commodities is characterized by a dynamic approach, primarily involving two instalment-based deductions at source, while individuals opting for alternative payment methods, such as direct cash or bank transfers, are accommodated.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)