Welcome to ABUTH IMAN VENTURE Building Prosperity Together
ABUTH IMAN VENTURE | Islamic Coperative That Combine Sincerity And Transparency  With BusinessABUTH IMAN VENTURE | Islamic Coperative That Combine Sincerity And Transparency  With BusinessABUTH IMAN VENTURE | Islamic Coperative That Combine Sincerity And Transparency  With Business
ABUTH Central Mosque, Shika, Zaria, Kaduna.
ABUTH IMAN VENTURE | Islamic Coperative That Combine Sincerity And Transparency  With BusinessABUTH IMAN VENTURE | Islamic Coperative That Combine Sincerity And Transparency  With BusinessABUTH IMAN VENTURE | Islamic Coperative That Combine Sincerity And Transparency  With Business

Fish Farm

ICOV Business Venture: Your Trusted Source for Sustainable Fish Farming!

Embark on a journey of excellence in aquaculture with ICOV Business Venture, your partner in the world of sustainable fish farming. Our joint initiative, officially commissioned on April 25, 2023, marks the beginning of a revolutionary medium-scale commercial fish farm, strategically located behind Ram House, ABUTH Central Mosque, ABUTH Shika.

Proposed Medium Scale Commercial Fish Farm

At ICOV Business Venture, we envision a thriving fish farming business designed to meet the growing demand for high-quality, locally sourced cat fish. Our medium-scale commercial fish farm is meticulously planned to ensure optimal fish health, rapid growth, and sustainable production practices.

Long-Term Template for Success

We don’t just aim for short-term gains; our commitment is to establish a long-term template for success in the fish farming industry. Through advanced technologies, responsible farming practices, and a dedicated team of experts, we pledge to consistently provide top-quality fish products to our valued customers.

All Month and All Year Round Supply

Experience the convenience of a consistent supply of fresh fish every month, all year round. Our state-of-the-art facilities and innovative farming methods allow us to maintain a continuous and reliable production cycle, ensuring you have access to our premium fish products whenever you need them.

Location: Behind Ram House, ABUTH Central Mosque, ABUTH Shika

Convenience meets quality at our prime location. Situated behind Ram House, near ABUTH Central Mosque in ABUTH Shika, our farm is easily accessible, allowing us to serve the local community and beyond.

Partner with ICOV Business Venture

Whether you’re a distributor, retailer, or a conscious consumer looking for premium cat fish products, ICOV Business Venture invites you to be part of our sustainable journey. Together, let’s shape the future of fish farming and contribute to a healthier, more resilient community.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)